Current Commercial Electricity Unit Price 2024

In this article, you can find a simple table of 2024 commercial electricity unit prices and agricultural irrigation electricity tariff in detail.



In this article, starting from the question of how many TL for 1 kw electricity, you can find a simple table of 2024 commercial electricity unit prices and agricultural irrigation electricity tariff in detail.

For businesses today, energy is important not only to keep a business running, but also to gain a competitive advantage. Electricity bills also directly affect the profit margin of business owners.
The unit price of commercial electricity is affected by a number of factors. Factors such as changes in energy demand, diversification of energy generation sources, regulations and market conditions are factors that determine the electricity costs of businesses. 
By 2024, changes in commercial electricity unit prices provide an opportunity for businesses to review their energy strategies. 
In this article, you can find a simplified table of the 2024 commercial electricity unit prices and the electricity tariff for agricultural irrigation in detail. We have also analyzed in detail the electricity unit prices for households, commercial households and agricultural irrigation, including taxes, as of January 2024.

Commercial Electricity Tariff

Home and business owners can benefit from various electricity tariffs to optimize their energy costs and make their consumption more efficient. Prices of one-time and three-time electricity tariffs, which are among the national tariffs, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) is determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). 

The table below shows the current Commercial and Residential electricity unit price shows:

Trading House Price Table
Subscriber GroupActive Energy Unit Price (TL/kWh)Distribution Fee Unit Price (TL/kWh)Energy Unit Price(Including Distribution Fee) (TL/kWh)
Commercial MV MV MT 1.-2. Quarter2,755610,5909163,346526
Commercial MV MV MT 3rd-4th quarter Quarter3,0666410,9392514,005892

Commercial MV TT 1.-2. Quarter2,7784190,737099351,5518
Commercial MV TT 3rd-4th quarter Quarter3,0606861,1716064,232292

Commercial LV TT Low Tier 1.-2. Quarter1,912220,8781752,790395
Commercial LV TT Low Tier 3rd-4th. Quarter2,4636611,3958443,859505

Commercial LV TT High Tier 1.-2. Quarter2,8284140,8781753,706589
Commercial LV TT High Tier 3rd-4th. Quarter3,068351,3958444,464194
Residential Price table
Subscriber GroupActive Energy Unit Price (TL/kWh)Distribution Fee Unit Price (TL/kWh)Energy Unit Price(Including Distribution Fee) (TL/kWh)
Residential Low Level 1st-2nd Quarter0,4821870,8588831,34107
Residential Low Level 3rd-4th Quarter0,4940651,3651791,859244

Residential High Tier 1st-2nd Quarter1,1322710,8588831,991154
Residential High Tier 3rd-4th Quarter1,3911811,3651792,75636
Industry Price Table
Subscriber GroupActive Energy Unit Price (TL/kWh)Distribution Fee Unit Price (TL/kWh)Energy Unit Price(Including Distribution Fee) (TL/kWh)
Industry MV MT Q1.-2. Quarter2,9845760,3791633,363739
Industry MV MT Q3-4. Quarter2,7428530,6026733,345526

Industry MV TT 1.-2. Quarter3,0914610,4188183,510279
Industry MV TT 3rd-4th. Quarter2,8470190,6657043,512723

Industry AG TT 1.-2. Quarter3,0538280,6479983,701826
Industry AG TT 3rd-4th. Quarter2,6756271,0299813,705608

Agricultural Irrigation Electricity Tariff

Electricity users benefiting from the Agricultural Irrigation subscriber group, which is now called Agricultural Activities, currently have one of the most affordable electricity tariffs after the price of household electricity.  

As can be seen in the table below, users who are engaged in agricultural activities such as agricultural irrigation and animal husbandry, and who submit the necessary documents to the distribution company, use electricity at almost the same price level as household electricity. This situation provides cost advantages to users engaged in agricultural activities and makes energy use more economical. 

Agricultural Irrigation electricity tariff is as follows as of January 2024: 

Agricultural Activities Price table
Subscriber GroupActive Energy Unit Price (TL/kWh)Distribution Fee Unit Price (TL/kWh)Energy Unit Price(Including Distribution Fee) (TL/kWh)
Agricultural Activities MV MT 1.-2. Quarter1,6608290,4866642,147493
Agricultural Activities MV MT 3rd-4th quarter Quarter2,0099170,7735442,783461

Agricultural Activities MV TT 1.-2. Quarter1,6537390,6059482,259687
Agricultural Activities MV TT 3rd-4th Quarter1,9828020,9631442,945946

Agricultural Activities AG TT 1.-2. Quarter1,6530960,7215792,374675
Agricultural Activities AG TT 3.-4. Quarter1,9500871,1469373,097024

You can also take a look at these topics:

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