What is the National Tariff?
The national tariff is an electricity tariff applicable to users who do not have eligible consumer status in the electricity market and is applied at prices determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). In this tariff, consumers who do not purchase electricity from the free market and are indicated as "Eligible Consumer Candidate" on their invoices are subject to the national tariff. All subscriber groups across Turkey are billed at the same unit prices.
What are Subscriber Groups?
- AG TTTZ Residential Subscribers: Low Voltage Single Term Tariff Time (LV TTTZ) is the tariff group applied for residential subscribers, individual residences and households.
- AG TTTZ Commercial Subscribers: Small and medium-sized commercial enterprises belong to the AG TTTZ commercial subscriber group. This group includes businesses such as shops, markets and cafes.
- AG TTTZ Industrial Subscribers: This is the tariff group applicable to small-scale industrial enterprises and workshops. Subscribers in this group use electricity for production processes.
- MV TTTZ Industrial Subscribers: Medium voltage (MV) Single Term Tariff Timed (TTTZ) applies to industrial subscribers, large-scale industrial plants and production areas. This group includes factories, mines and heavy industries.
- MV TTTZ Commercial Subscribers: For large commercial enterprises such as shopping malls, department stores and hotels, MV TTTZ commercial subscriber group is applied.
How to Calculate the Invoice?
The calculation of the electricity bill in the national tariff is based on the unit prices determined for the subscriber group. The formula is as follows:
Invoice = (Active Price Unit Price + Distribution Fee) x Consumption Amount + Taxes and Funds
In addition to the active cost, distribution cost and consumption amount, taxes and funds are also added to the invoice total. If we look at taxes and funds in detail:
- Municipal Consumption Tax (MCCT): Sanayi abonelerinde aktif enerji bedelinin %1’i, diğer abone gruplarında %5’i olarak hesaplanır. Lojistik ve telekomünikasyon firmalarına (imal ve istihsal, taşıma, yükleme, boşaltma, soğutma, telli ve telsiz telgraf ve telefon haberleşmesi) BTV %1 oranında uygulanır. Belediyeler sınırı dışında kalan ve kar amacı gütmeyen firmalar BTV’den muaftır.
Invoice Calculation Examples
1. Industry - Medium Voltage Single Term Single Time (MV TTTZ)
- Active Price Unit Price: 2,847019 TL/kWh
- Distribution Fee: 0.665704 TL/kWh
- Consumption 100,000 kWh
Active energy cost:
100.000 kWh x 2,847019 TL/kWh = 284701,9 TL
Distribution cost:
100,000 kWh x 0.665704 TL/kWh = TL
Municipal Consumption Tax (MCCT):
284701,9 TL x %1 = 2847,019 TL
Total invoice (excluding taxes):
354119,319 TL
2. Commercial - Medium Voltage Double Term Single Time (MV MTTTZ)
- Active Price Unit Price: 3,066641 TL/kWh
- Distribution Fee: 0.939251 TL/kWh
- Contract Power 300 kW
- Power Price: 32,245379 TL/kW
- Consumption 100,000 kWh
Active energy cost:
100.000 kWh x 3,066641 TL/kWh = 306664,1TL
Distribution cost:
100.000 kWh x 0,939251 TL/kWh = 93925,1TL
The price of power
300 kW x 32,245379 TL/kW = 9673,6137 TL
Municipal Consumption Tax (MCCT):
306664,1 TL x %5 = 15333,205 TL
Total invoice (excluding taxes):
425596,019 TL
3. Agricultural Activities - Low Voltage Single Term Multi-Time (LV TTSM)
Active Price Unit Price:
- Daytime: 2.017331 TL/kWh
- Peak: 3.441485 TL/kWh
- Night: 0.804509 TL/kWh
- Distribution Fee 1.146937 TL/kWh
- Tüketim: 100.000 kWh (gündüz %60, puant %15, gece %25)
Active energy cost:
Daytime: 60,000 kWh x 2.017331 TL/kWh = 121039.86 TL
Peak: 15.000 kWh x 3,441485 TL/kWh = 51622,275 TL
Night: 25.000 kWh x 0, 804509 TL/kWh =20112,725 TL
Total active energy cost:
192774,86 TL
Distribution cost:
100.000 kWh x 1,146937 TL/kWh = 114693,7 TL
Municipal Consumption Tax (MCCT):
%5 of active energy cost = 9638,743 TL
Total invoice (excluding taxes):
317107,303 TL