What is Geothermal Energy, What are its Advantages? How is it Obtained?

In this article, you will find answers to questions such as what geothermal energy is, where it is used, how it is obtained, its types, advantages and disadvantages.



While the global demand for energy has been increasing rapidly in recent years, the need for environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources is also gaining importance. With the rapid growth in population and the development of industry, the need for energy is constantly increasing. This increase widens the gap between energy production and consumption. Therefore, geothermal energy has an important role in terms of electricity generation and sustainability.

In this article, you will find answers to questions such as what geothermal energy is, where it is used, how it is obtained, its types, advantages and disadvantages.

Today, most countries focus on renewable energy sources to meet their energy needs. They have developed energy projects to increase the production and utilization of these resources.

Meeting energy requirements in a sustainable way by utilizing geothermal energy, which is an environmentally friendly and economical renewable energy source, has become one of the important issues of today. In addition, geothermal energy is one of the important sources of reducing external dependence in energy since it is energy obtained from local resources.

In this article, you will learn everything you wonder about the definition of geothermal energy, its uses, types, advantages, disadvantages, geothermal power plants and geothermal energy in Turkey. You will also discover how this endless energy source plays an important role in building an environmentally friendly future.

What is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy is a sustainable form of energy derived from underground thermal resources.

So how is geothermal energy produced?

Geothermal energy is formed when the heat from hot water, steam or magma deep in the ground rises to the surface through cracks. These cracks are often found in areas of volcanic activity.

In short, it can be used in electricity generation, greenhouse heating, hot water supply, heating and cooling systems. We will answer the question "Where is geothermal energy used?" in more detail below.

Where is Geothermal Energy Used?

Geothermal energy is not limited to heat and electricity generation, but is also used in other areas such as thermal tourism and the health sector. Geothermal energy is suitable for direct use at temperatures below 150°C. Let's take a look at where geothermal energy is used.

  • Geothermal energy is generally used for heating purposes.
  • It is used for plant cultivation in greenhouses. This requires high-temperature geothermal energy.
  • Especially in cold regions, greenhouses can be heated inside with central heating systems.
  • Geothermal energy is used extensively in processes such as wood processing and grain drying, but also in industrial areas such as pulp processing and wastewater treatment.
  • Geothermal energy is also used in the agricultural sector. It is also used in the drying of vegetables and in the production of some chemicals.
  • It utilizes geothermal resources to prevent ice on the roads caused by snow.
  • Geothermal energy contributes to local economies as it is derived from local resources underground. This reduces foreign dependency and can help increase local jobs.
  • Geothermal energy has low operating costs in the long term. Once geothermal sources are installed, maintenance costs are generally low and there are no fuel costs for power generation.
  • Thermal resources are an important economic resource in touristic regions. It is widely used in spa centers, thermal hotels and spas.
  • Geothermal energy is also used for electricity generation. Electricity is generated using wet or dry steam and water extracted from the source. The electricity generated is used for various purposes in homes, workplaces and agricultural lands.

What is a Geothermal Power Plant?

Geothermal power plants are facilities used to generate electricity from geothermal resources. The structure of geothermal power plants includes services such as resource monitoring, reinjection and pumping systems along with the part that generates electricity.

According to the temperature of the geothermal resource, it is divided into three as dry steam, double cycle and steam jet:

Dry Steam Geothermal Power Plants

Dry steam power plants are used in regions where the temperature of geothermal resources is at least 150°C. The steam from the source is directed directly to turbines and electricity is generated.

Steam Spray (Flash) Power Plants

If the temperature is 180°C and above, flash power plants are used. The steam separated from the liquid is fed into a turbine, which generates electricity.

Binary Power Plants

Used for medium and low temperature welding (between 100-180°C).

A second fluid is filled with a substance with a low liquefaction temperature. This fluid expands in a high-pressure turbine and generates electricity. These power plants are frequently used in Turkey.

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What are the Types of Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy comes in various types based on different sources and geographical conditions.

1. Hydrothermal convection systems associated with young volcanic intrusions

One of the clearest indicators of the Earth's internal heat is volcanic eruptions. While the lava from these eruptions cools rapidly on the surface, the source of the lava, the inner core beneath the Earth's crust, remains molten for thousands of years.

Today, drilling directly into these magma cells presents a practical challenge. However, fractures and cracks around the magma seep allow hydrothermal convection systems to form. In this system, groundwater begins to circulate around the cooling magma seep. During this process, it gains heat and the hot water returns to areas near the surface. The difference in density between hot and cold water triggers the heated water to rise towards the surface.

They are usually found in areas of intense volcanic activity, where water at the surface interacts with hot rocks underground to create geothermal energy.

2. Crack (Fault) Controlled Systems

Such geothermal resources involve the movement of hot water underground along cracks or fault lines in the earth's crust. The water comes into contact with hot rocks underground and heats them, generating energy.

3. Radiogenic heat sources hidden under layers with low conductivity

This type of geothermal energy utilizes radiogenic heat from deep underground. The heat generated by the decay of radiogenic materials underground is transmitted to the surface through low-conductivity layers trapped deep underground.

4. Geopressured Geothermal Reservoirs

Geopressured geothermal reservoirs are zones underground where water and natural gas are under high pressure. Geopressured reservoirs occur in areas that are held by rocks under a pressure that exceeds the pressure of the water column.

As well as the hot water they contain, also enriched in dissolved methane (the main component of natural gas) regions. They have the potential to produce geothermal energy and dissolved methane, but are usually operated by organizations with financial power due to high drilling costs.

Ensures effective utilization of underground energy resources.

5. Deep Regional Aquifers

Deep regional aquifers produce energy using hot water from deep water sources.

Sloping troughs in the crust collect and accumulate groundwater from the supply areas in mountainous regions. This water then passes over sedimentary rocks and travels downwards, heating up in the process due to geothermal effects.

If such basins have high hydraulic conductivity or artesian pressure that allows water to rise upward through fractures, geothermal water can reach the surface.

Artesian pressure helps push the underground water upwards, allowing geothermal water to reach the surface.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy?

Let's see together what are the advantages of geothermal energy:

  • Geothermal energy offers a unique resource thanks to the heat from the earth's core.
  • Inexhaustible and continuously renewable compared to other energy sources. It is an environmentally friendly and sustainable resource.
  • Energy production increases a country's energy independence. This is a big plus for countries.
  • It is a local resource. Low cost as no external resources are needed in the production process.
  • No greenhouse gases or chemical emissions are produced during its production. Therefore, geothermal energy is a more environmentally friendly option than energy production methods based on fossil fuels such as thermal power plants.
  • Its widespread use helps reduce acid rain and greenhouse gases from fossil fuels.
  • It generates electricity 24×7 without being affected by climatic conditions such as wind or sun. Therefore, it is a continuous and stable energy source.

Geothermal energy also has some disadvantages:

  • High initial investment costs, limited geographical distribution of geothermal resources, risk of depletion of groundwater resources and some local environmental impacts are among the disadvantages of geothermal energy.
  • It may contain carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide gases. Therefore, technological measures must be taken to prevent the release of these substances into the environment.

Geothermal Energy in Turkey

In Turkey, geothermal energy is a rapidly developing energy source that has been used for years. Our country has a rich resource in this respect.

There are about 1,000 natural springs in every region of Turkey and they occur at different temperatures.

Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Energy and Natural Resources‘ne göre,Türkiye jeotermal enerji potansiyeli açısından Avrupa’da birinci sırada yer alırken, kurulu güç açısından dünya genelinde dördüncü sırada bulunuyor. Bu potansiyelin %78’i Batı Anadolu’da, %9’u İç Anadolu’da, %7’si Marmara Bölgesi’nde, %5’i Doğu Anadolu’da ve %1’i diğer bölgelerde bulunur. (Kaynak: energy.gov.tr )

Türkiye’deki jeotermal kaynakların büyük bir kısmı düşük ve orta sıcaklıktadır ve ısıtma, termal turizm, endüstriyel uygulamalar gibi doğrudan kullanımlar için elverişlidir. Jeotermal enerjinin farklı kullanım alanlarının çeşitliliği, Türkiye’deki jeotermal kaynakların değerlendirilmesini daha da önemli kılar. Geriye kalan %10’luk bölüm ise elektrik üretimi gibi dolaylı uygulamalar için uygundur.

Apollo, The Easiest Way to Track Sustainable Energy

Geothermal energy offers an important solution to today's increasing energy demand as a sustainable energy source. As an environmentally friendly, economical and unlimited resource, it is used in many areas from electricity generation to heating.

Geothermal energy plays a crucial role in building a sustainable future.

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